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Meet Lisa
I work with couples to achieve the deepest emotional, mental, sexual and spiritually intimate connection they desire from the perspective of becoming acutely aware of each partner’s sense of self and self-stories, offered through in-person and online coaching, therapy, workshops and events.
Someone once asked me, “so, do you like, psychoanalyze people all of the time?” Yes. Yes I do. I think I was born doing it. And I also know I was born to help people understand why they do what they do too. That all starts with knowing how to be incredibly curious, self-reflective, contemplative and live with a deep desire to want a deeper, more connected experience as well. I truly believe it’s only from that space that the deepest, most incredibly intimate relationships can grow. That’s what we all want, and I believe that’s what we can all have.
My professional training outside of my life as a Virgo, Enneagram No. 4, INFJ, and Manifestor-Generator (for my human design peeps out there) includes a Bachelor’s of Science degree in English from DePaul University, a Master’s of Science in Marriage and Family Therapy from Northern Illinois University and a current PhD student in the California Institute for Integral Studies’ Integral and Transpersonal Psychology program. I’ve been a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the state of Illinois since 2010, and Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator through Brené Brown’s PhD., program called Daring Greatly™ since 2015.
I’m fueled by a deep desire to have the deepest, most consciously connected experience with ourselves and others that we possibly can. I do this from a place of curiosity, contemplation and, ultimately, love. I’m constantly wondering how we got where we are, how it aligns with who we are and what we’re supposed to be doing and how to make it better. I’m motivated by intimate connection and I’m a seeker of all things inspiring, whether that be a color palette, an author, an interview with an expert on a podcast, a quote, nature, photography, design, anything. Curiosity, love and inspiration. This is what I bring to you, along with my experience working with individuals and couples, each of which have shaped and continuously shift me.
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