Find Your Back & Better to One Another

Your marriage has everything to do with your Self. It's an extension of who you are. As we grow, it's even more important to be so consciously aware of your Self in order to be deeply, and consciously, connected in your partnership. This course, and this work, will teach you how to do that.


CACM™ is a course for modern day couples looking to level up their relationship. Watch the welcome video below!


 As we grow up and get into relationship, our partners become the mirrors which reflect the messages once received from our parents, back to us.

You may have thought you married your person.
But was your person the person?

Feeling alone and disconnected could mean a lot of things. If you're struggling to find depth and connection in your relationship, it's time for change. Let's start from the inside out.

 The Solution: Create a Conscious Marriage™ Online Course 

We are meant to grow and to keep growing. But we aren’t meant to do it alone. The CACM™ online course is designed to help couples reach the intimacy and communication they desire.



Discover the growth that's waiting for you in your life and learn how to break through your own glass ceiling to become the most radically honest version of you. But not in a scary way. In more like an empowered goddess way.


Turn your self-growth into relationship growth by learning how to have deeper, more meaningful conversation that honors you, your partner and the marriage.


Take your new approaches and deep connection together to a whole new level that's incredible, realistic, sustaining and sexy.

Lisa Pisha, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Relationship Coach

Hi there!

I’m Lisa!

Thank you for your interest in Create a Conscious Marriage™. I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Relationship Coach and fellow married woman who knows first-hand the depth and connection you crave with the husband you have.

I've helped hundreds of couples reach the intimacy they desired and I've done it in my marriage as well.

Let me help you do this in your marriage with some step-by-step instruction, clear, concise tools and a little encouragement.

Create a Conscious Marriage Course Material

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Know how to access your truth, your voice and say what you mean in a loving, compassionate way.

  • Cultivate immeasurable amounts of grace and work through resentment, anger or disappointment in ourselves or one another.

  • Find yourself in way-better-than-surface-level conversations with your spouse. 

  • Experience a new level of intimacy on an emotional and physical level. 

  • Feel authentically and intrinsically wholehearted in your marriage.


Let’s break it down

Here’s what you’ll get with the CACM™ 8 Modules


Find Yourself, Look Again

Let’s identify who you once were, who you are now and who you want to be in your marriage. We’ll unpack the real, ever-evolving you to discover the uniqueness only you can bring into this relationship.


Say it Out Loud, Speak Truth in Your Marriage

Let’s identify who you once were, who you are now and who you want to be in your marriage. We’ll unpack the real, ever-evolving you to discover the uniqueness only you can bring into this relationship.

communicate with your partner


Getting Curious to Get Connected

Learn very specific, very simple ways to move from judgement (for yourself and others) to curiosity in a way that makes people interested, enthusiastic and engaged with you. Insert more loving, intimate convos here.

Support your partner and who he or she is trying to be


Supporting the Person Your Partner is Trying to Be

Examine how to "hold space" and learn why it’s vital for you and your marriage to do so. Set the stage for the most vulnerable, authentic & connected conversations you can have by paving the way for honesty, transparency and even admiration!

Navigating Disagreement - couple embracing


Navigating Disagreement & Conflict Together

Learn how to actually get somewhere with all those nasty or pesky and annoying disagreements that pop in. Plus, ways to move through conflict in a way that moves your marriage forward.

Couple embracing on bed discussing physical and emotional intimacy


Cultivating Physical & Emotional Intimacy

Learn how to actually get somewhere with all those nasty or pesky and annoying disagreements that pop in. Plus, ways to move through conflict in a way that moves your marriage forward.

Female looking down contemplating her triggers


Getting Rid of Land Mines in Your Marriage

Take a deep dive in how your triggers, aka shame stories, can show up at any moment, anytime and any place. They’re not a reflection of your work, your strength, or how well you and your partner are doing. They’re a reflection of your humanity.

Couple holding hands in bed, being connected intimately


Keeping Your Marriage Consciously Connected

You’ve made amazing steps toward creating a conscious marriage. Now what? How do you keep moving forward with this new intimacy and connection? Take the final, vital steps in keeping your connection strong and growing.

 In addition to lifetime access to the CACM™ online course, you’ll gain access to:

  • A TON of resources to keep your marriage conscious and connected

    You’ll have everything you need to keep creating a conscious marriage over and over again with worksheets and printables to conversation and journal prompts.

  • Bonuses and Updates with added lessons, fun freebies and first-to-know event news and discount options!

    Not the same old conversation cards or boring date ideas. Nope - things that will MOVE your marriage and bring joy to your life. Plus, be the first to know about retreats, vacations and experiences brought to you by me!

  • Automatic membership to lovewell™

    A collective community for men and women looking to connect, be inspired and learn how to have the most connected relationships with people in their lives, starting within themselves.

  • Private Access to the CACM™ Group in lovewell™



Select what works for you and start today:

I am offering two pricing packages so you can access the full, downloadable course, workbook and resources, bonuses and the lovewell™ membership site with flexible pricing options.

Package No. 1

Instant Access Workbook

  • Fully Downloadable Course

  • 8 Modules

  • 24 Lessons

  • Access to Tons of Downloadable Resources + Exercises

  • Membership to lovewell™ + Private CACM™ Members-Only Area

  • Lifetime Access to Continuous Updates and Add-Ons



Package No. 2

Package No.1 plus
Two (2) Coaching Sessions

  • Fully Downloadable course

  • 8 Modules

  • 24 Lessons

  • Access to Tons of Downloadable Resources + Exercises

  • Membership to lovewell™ + Private CACM™ Members-Only Area

  • Lifetime Access to Continuous Updates and Add-Ons

  • Two Live Private Coaching Sessions with Lisa Pisha, MS, LMFT + Relationship Coach


Frequently Asked Questions

Interested but still have a few questions?
Find answers to our most frequently asked questions below.

  • Your purchase to Create a Conscious Marriage™ includes 8 weekly modules with 3 lessons in each module. Each lesson contains at least one downloadable resource such as a worksheet, conversation prompts, journal exercise or additional resource to help you and your husband be as successful as possible.

    The purchase also includes access to the loveWELL membership site, full of additional resources and connections, along with a private group of only CACM™ participants and spouses.

    You'll also have access to a number of Facebook live events, Q & A forums moderated by me, and additional bonuses as they're offered! Plus, desktop wallpapers, download-able fun and playlists for a fully immersive experience!

    AND, you'll be the first to know about additional courses, workshops and upcoming retreats with a discounted price for CACM™ participants!

  • There are 24 full lessons in the course!

    8 modules; each module contains three lessons.

  • I know how valuable time is and how hard it can be to come by which is why I created this course with exercises and lessons you can actually work into your everyday.

    You can spend as much as an hour or as little as about 30 minutes on the lessons, and they're yours to keep. So you pick the best time and day to utilize them!

    Plus, you can move into and out of different modules, go back in, re-read, re-listen or re-watch the video as many times as you need.

  • You can absolutely take this by yourself! While CACM™ was designed with couples in mind and the lessons are created for couples, change in a marriage can happen, and often does, with one person.

    All of the modules and lessons can be completed independently of your partner. Regardless of how they're completed, CACM™ will bring authenticity, closeness and depth in all of your relationships in life as well!

  • For starters, no tricks and no gimmicks.

    This course is about building connection in your marriage by putting in the effort in a guided, directed and incredibly successful and very fun way.

    Getting your partner on-board comes with an understanding of what this is and why it's important now. Your "why" is something you're going to want to carry with you through this course and beyond, so I'd recommend spending some time really digging in to what you want to feel when you take this course and when you've completed it and start there.

    Instead of saying "we're disconnected" or "our marriage is suffering," try to stay focused on what you need and what you're hoping for: "I want to learn more about myself and I want to take you with me on this so you can see me the way I want to see myself," feels and sounds a lot different than any ultimatums or bargaining.

    Many women assume (sometimes correctly) their partner will want nothing to do with anything related to "relationship-building" or "marriage talk." I've found that most men however honestly are waiting to be heard in a non-judgemental, caring space. Which is why you might have to lead by example.

  • At this time I'm not able to offer any payment plan options.


Still on the fence?

Have a specific question about whether Create a Conscious Marriage™ is right for you? I’m here to help.