Individual Coaching, Consulting + Therapy for Therapists
Let’s Explore the Unfolding and Ever-Expanding Life as a Therapist Together
One of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves, is also the same one that is of benefit to our clients: the gift of self-exploration the growth that comes from doing so.
I have been an individual, family and couples psychotherapist since 2004, a practice owner since 2012 and a life-long knowledge seeker and thought-explorer. My interests lay in psychology, spirituality, religion, systems theory and the exploration of the self. Through the work that I’ve done within my own ever-unfolding and evolving life, and the work I’ve witnessed with clients, I’ve developed a love and keen awareness in helping others gently uncover some of their own resistances to growth, shadow work, unconscious limitations and curious reflections to move into spaces of fully integrating all the parts of who we are.
As therapists, our work to be aware of our unfolding as we hold space for our clients to do the same is great, magnificent and rewarding work that comes with a unique set of challenges for our own sense of self. We learned about the self-of-the-therapist in school. We read about transference and countertransference, projection, mirroring, all of it, but when we’re actively working and living in this self, doing the work on the ground, in this life, sometimes our own limitations and struggles may come as a surprise, yet always an opportunity.