We get to the space of being quiet and cutting our honesty short by lived experiences of truth not working out very well in our favor. But we don’t let these truths go nor do they disappear. These failed attempts and negative experiences are put into the very deep wells of our hearts and live in our bodies until they’re let out. Have you ever noticed how you and your spouse have the same arguments or disagreements over and over again? Do you ever walk away feeling like you didn’t get to say what you wanted to, needed to or in general that’s there’s just so much more to the conversation that wasn’t addressed? People process in very different ways. For some of us, talking something through, aloud, is such a necessity in our personal process to really gain clarity over what we’re feeling. For others, taking time and space away to process internally is the only way we gain clarity over what we’re thinking and feeling. Most of the time the way we process and get resolution is different than our spouse’s method. This in and of itself can lead to a lot of disagreement, frustration and resentment. From conversations that get cut short, through experiences we have together, we begin to make concessions and justifications for why our voices need to be quieted down. Sometimes we’ll start in full, transparent mode saying exactly what we want and need to say. From there, over years and again experiences, we start to cut short not just what we say but also what we want or feel we deserve to have for ourselves and in our relationship. In this Module, we'll learn how to begin honoring who we've discovered in Module One and start taking courageous steps toward being truthful to you and to the marriage.