Before we know what we want and need to say to our partner, we have to get in touch with what we want. For this, we’ll need to work backwards. Our relationship with our spouse often works like this: If things are going well, flowing and there’s minimal to no tension in the marriage, the rest of our life seems okay, if not great. But, if our marriages are struggling, there’s tension and stress on the relationship, everything else seems hard too. Our marriages, when stressed, impact every other area of our lives whether we like to accept it or not. We can bury ourselves into work and career, social events and activities, but if we’re not okay at home, there’s a black cloud that feels like it follows us everywhere. Chances are you’ve experienced this in your marriage before, or are experiencing it now. But the bridge from where you feel you’re at in your relationship and with your spouse versus where you actually are seems uncrossable. So how do we bridge the gap here? So often, this is the place that fights seem to blow up out of nowhere because we’re already at a heightened state of alertness and defensiveness. Now’s the time to start exploring what you know to be true about what you feel in your marriage at the present moment and then map out your final destination together. Head over to our first worksheet in Module Two to begin.